Background on the Poem Why Not Me?

It is so easy as individuals, and particularly women, to get caught up in the cycle of the comparison trap. We wonder why God hasn’t fulfilled our very deep soul longing for our desires. We often forget that God is on a different timetable than ours. Praise him for his faithfulness as you wait for your breakthrough! God bless!

comparison, women, poetry, emotional health, mental health
Photo by Nicholas Githiri on

Why Not Me?

Why her and not me?

I am gifted, don’t you see?

I have read all your word.

Practiced all that I’ve heard.

I sang in the choir.

Served others till I tired.

Yes, I know that you’re the one,

Praising me from morning’s dawn.

I also know when you are ready.

When others’ gain is not your petty.

And so, for now, just focus on me.

Your breakthrough is coming.

I guarantee.

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The Body

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