
The last poem that I wrote was entitled “The Body“, and it can be found here. Today’s poem, Trials, is another poem that I was inspired to write during the ice storm last week. The one thing that makes everything feel right with the world is witnessing a rainbow after the storm. It is a gentle nod from God to remember yet another one of his sweet promises.

clouds, rain, trials, rainbow, poetry, poet life, blogger, blogger life, author, writing, Noah
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Trials are like rain.

Can be so heavy.

Filled with disdain.

Coming down like cats and dogs.

So hard to see

In all this fog.

The dirt welcomes all the moisture.

As the onset of trials just feel like torture.

Then relief comes in the form of a bow.

With all the colors stacked up in a row.

“I won’t destroy in this way again.”

God reminds us we are his friends.