Where is Your Journey Taking You?

The Journey represents unresolved trauma, undealt with brokenness, wounds, disappointment, discontentment, disillusionment, despair, the LACK cycle of addictions, and the pit.  Your journey represents the 3 part anointing of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit on your uniquely designed destiny with your name on it.

Joseph took The Journey to elevation.

David’s 3 part anointing was called “your journey” to elevation.

Both are necessary.

Both are difficult.

Both require testing.

Both require investing.

How badly you want your journey will determine how well you tackle The Journey. 

Episode 62: It’s Not That Bad!

the valley of grace podcast
Healing Our Brokenness Podcast Series
Episode 62: It's Not That Bad!

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone, sharing your pain, pouring out your heart and soul, only told to be told, “It’s not that bad!” Tune in to today’s podcast episode to find out if it is “that bad”.

Podcast Outline

  • What is Comparative Suffering?
  • What is empathy?
  • Why Comparing Pain is Bad?
  • How can we do better when talking about our pain?

Background Scripture: John 21

Question for the week: What will you do the next time that you are tempted to rank your pain with someone else’s?


Shutting Down

Synopsis of Shutting Down

We all respond different when we shut down from trauma. This poem is meant to encourage you and cause you to dig deeper in order to move forward. God bless!

shutting down, emotional health, valley of grace, katina horton, mental health, psychology, trauma, PTSD, coping mechanisms, staying grounded, bare feet, feelings, emotions
Photo by Shanu D. at Shopify

Shutting Down

Shutting down.

Shutting down.

Trying hard to maintain ground.

Feeling stuck.

A little unclear.

Knowing God.

Is always near.

Look around!

Look around!

Getting close to gaining ground,

Touch and feel and know you’re here.

No numbing out.

Just feel the tears.

Challenge Question:

What are your go-to methods when you find yourself shutting down?

Led by Emotions

Led by Emotions: My Weekend Topic

How have you allowed yourself to be led by emotions? (i.e., tightening up control with the kids, yelling, saying things that you later regret?) What was the background story? What patterns of behavior do you notice makes you want to ride the wave? What patterns of behavior helps you to jump off of this surfboard? How could you have reacted better than you did? How did you heal the relationships that were damaged as a result of you being led by your emotions instead of responding to life’s issues?

emotions, led by emotions, emotional health, psychology, mental health, psychology, anger, control, reacting, responding, emotional rollercoaster, sad, blogger, blog, podcaster, simple functional grace-filled living
by Matthew Henry

Would love to hear your comments down below.

Other posts: Episode 31: Giving the Best Gift