How many times have you used the words, “If Only”? It feels good saying it. However, it doesn’t feel good revealing the “what” behind the “if”. Why? “If only” is part of the bargaining stage. It is only meant as a temporary place of magical thinking in order to resolve our pain and hurt.

What are some of the “if onlys” that you are saying:

If only I had paid attention to how my body was feeling.

If only I had thought about how over the top the attention was.

If only I wasn’t so quick to sin against my body.

If only I had partnered with the Holy Spirit in discerning this person‘s character.

If only I had checked into his previous relationships and familial background.

If only I hadn’t mistaken his contemptuous, condescending, behavior for self-confidence and assertiveness.

If only I saw the eagerness for this person to be an ally for what it was and not what I wanted it to be.

If only I had not got caught up in the value that this person was bringing to the table instead of the messages that my intuition and discernment was giving me.


You can’t rewrite history. “If Only, Would have, should have, could have”, means you think you can. This will only keep you in victim mode. Standing and waiting at the port for the “If Only, Would have, should have, could have” ship that sailed a long time ago, never to return.

We could stay here all day long. It’s not going to erase the fact that what happened happened. You can’t change it. However, you can move forward and allow God to help you to write your ending. It does not have to look anything like your beginning. The choice is yours.

So, what is the cure for getting out of the “if onlys”. Four words: I can’t change it. Saying these four words means that you have come to a resolve and are ready to move on to releasing blame, guilt, unforgiveness, condemnation, judgment, etc. God is waiting for you to partner with the Holy Spirit in power to move from the “If Only” to the moving forward in life stage.

Until next time,


Episode 39: Beware of the Foxes

the valley of grace podcast
Healing Our Brokenness Podcast Series
Episode 39: Beware of the Foxes

Beware of the Foxes Outline

  • My Foxes
  • The Foxes of Our Christian Life
  • Prayer
beware of the foxes, emotional health, mental health, Christian life, hindrance
Photo by David Dibert on Pexels.com
Show Notes:

When my kids were younger, we lived in a townhome that is pretty close to where we live
now. I loved the small city, as well as the location of the townhome. This was because we lived
in the end unit, which had plenty of windows. We also saw plenty of exotic birds and rabbits,
which were good discussion for homeschool.  Because of the fact that we lived on a hill, we
could see clear down one particular street for a good ways.  The part that we didn’t like is
that we sat right next to an open field. On any given day, we would look out the window and see deer, coyotes, and red foxes. We would use this field during the times that we were rushing to catch the bus to music lessons. In the back of our minds, there was always the hidden
message, “Beware of the Foxes”. In our Christian life, the foxes are anything that can be
hindering us from our walk with Christ. They may be good things. However, too much of a
good thing can also be bad when it gets in the way of God. These foxes can be reading,
television, computer time, and even friendships with people who are not encouraging us in the Lord. “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil  the vines: for our vines have
tender grapes.” (Song of Solomon 2: 15, KJV)