You are feeling unworthy, confused, hopeless, and disconnected, going from one daily affirmation/mantra to the next.

Reclaiming Your Power  and Identity is supposed to be easy, right?  At least that’s how everybody makes it look on social media. Say a few affirmations, and then you’re healed.

When your toxic relationship  is not working out  according to your plans, or even God’s for that matter, you feel that it is your job to go into alternative construction or pit stop (five- dollar fill/up ️) healing mode to resolve your problem.

When you go into alternative construction healing mode, you are going around the healing instead of through it.  You feel entitled to skip the steps so you can get back to your life.  ‘Cause ain’t nobody got time for that! But, skipping the steps mean you end up right back at home on “E”. Healing is a lot of work. But so is running on empty.

When you go into pit stop healing mode (five- dollar fill/up ️), You go and get help for the one problem, peace out , and then you’re quickly running on “E” (empty) again.

Healing  is not healing without going under complete construction.

That is why you are feeling a disconnect between the daily affirmations/ mantras you are saying and what your body, mind, and soul is telling you.

Healing minus the work equals an empty tank of gas.

️.Healing plus the work equals a full tank of gas.


In “You Are Enough: Heal From Past Hurts & Reclaim Your Power and Identity” you will

  • Dissect Healing From Past Hurts, Divorce, Trauma, and Toxic Relationships
  • Break Unhealthy Relationship Patterns
  • Build Resilience and Flourish
  • And
  • Create An Empowered New Chapter of Life

Buy the ebook here!

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 You are enough! Reclaim Your Power and Identity Today!!!