Sweet Weekend

The following post is one that was created a year ago on another website.  It seems like it was just yesterday that I wrote it.  At the same time, the realization that it was a year ago also helps me to think about the difference in what was happening then:  family members were still alive, freedom to go and do things without wearing a mask, less anxiety, fear, and collective trauma, and more predictability. Even with all of this, there is one thing that has remained the same.  And that one thing is a good, loving, merciful God.  Sometimes it is hard to accept this fact when things are not progressing in the timeline that we’d like.  And guess what?  He can handle that too.

Here is the post:

Sweet Weekend

This past weekend I got a chance to do some reading, relaxing, doing home projects, watching movies, and embracing some stillness.  One of the two movies that I watched was entitled, “Sweet Inspirations”.  This movie can be found on Pureflix.  I haven’t been asked to review this movie.  I found it enjoyable, relatable, and the fact that the movie had an emphasis placed on real-life issues.

women, sweet weekend, sweet inspirations, health, marriage, domestic abuse, movies, calling, gifts, talents, passions

You got a chance to peek into the lives of several different movies.  There were so many themes highlighted in this movie.  I am going to name the ones that stood out to me:  relationships, domestic abuse, marital issues, art, our passions, family time, community, and women’s health.

women, sweet weekend, sweet inspirations, health, marriage, domestic abuse, movies, calling, gifts, talents, passions

Dissection of Passions, Gifts, Talents

The theme that I will dissect is that of our passions/gifts/talents.  When it comes to our passions/gifts/talents, it is so important that we are regularly doing activities that pull them out.  If we are not creating/expressing ourselves, it can lead to feeling unfulfilled, purposeless, and depression.  God created each of us with unique passions/gifts/talents.  No two people have been created alike.  When we are creating according to our passions/gifts/talents, we are showing contentment, gratitude, appreciation, and good stewardship over what God has given us.

One of the women in the movie realized that she stopped living and doing what she was created for and passionate about in order to please her husband and participate in his business.  It is important to help others.  However, we also become the best version of ourselves when we do what we were created to do first.  Then, we can use this energy to help others to walk into their passions.

Food for thought:

What have you been created to be passionate about?  How easy is it to walk into it?  Or, is it more tempting to allow others to force you into their passions, or are we forcing ourselves into theirs?

A Little Bit of Normal During the Abnormal

Right now, in our world, we are faced with a situation that we have never had to deal with before. We have a virus that is worldwide, and there are lockdowns with specific instructions that are given, and each set of instructions are different for each region.  No matter what these instructions are, we have been asked to stay home.  Unless we have essential jobs or errands to run, we are told to stay put for the safety of ourselves, our loved ones, and the extremely vulnerable.

During this season, we have all felt a little bit of some form of anxiety or fear.  Change brings anxiety.  Sicknesses/Diseases bring on fear and anxiety.  And lastly, but definitely not least, the unknown brings on anxiety.  One unknown is that we don’t know how long the worldwide lock downs will last.  We don’t know how long the shortages in the grocery stores or hoarding/panic buying will last.  We don’t know how long it will be till we feel a sense of normal again.  To be honest, when we think about it, will things ever really be “normal”?  Those of us who haven’t had to deal with trauma are now having to ride these waves.  Those of us who already have PTSD are dealing with compounded trauma.


There is one thing that we can focus on in all this madness.  And it is found in Hebrews 13:8:Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. All hope is not lost. We can have what I call a little bit of normal during the abnormal.

One of the best things that we can do for ourselves during this time is to come up with a schedule that we can stick to in order to keep our bodies/minds/souls rested, renewed, and refreshed.

This is a good time for creativity.  There will be times that we’ll get stuck.  The important thing is us coming up with a schedule and sticking to it for the sake of our own, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health, as well as that of the other members of our household.  There will be times that we’ll have to just stop and have that cry or meltdown.  It releases the trauma hormones, stress, and anxiety from our bodies and will definitely help us to feel better.  This is an area that I have to remind myself of over and over again.  “Get the cry out.  Have self-compassion and empathy for all you have gone through.  Then move forward.”  Sometimes we might have to rinse and repeat several times a day. 


So, what are some of the things that I have been enjoying during this time?  1) Getting to spend some time with my almost 22-year-old son.  2)  Listening to the birds in the morning and then again at 8 at night when they are rounding up for the day.  3) Baking banana bread, zucchini bread, and cookies.  4)  The creativity juices to write poetry as I sit on my bed among my pillows in the morning.  5)  Extra time to read.  6) Time to work on writing two books.

Here are snapshots of today’s baking process:

Photos by Katina Horton

cookies, oatmeal almond raisin cookies, healthy eating, healthy living, almonds, simple functional grace-filled living, simple functional grace-filled news, katina horton, food photography, food, lifestyle blogger, simplicity, normal, abnormal, COVID-19, pandemic,
cookies, oatmeal almond raisin cookies, healthy eating, healthy living, almonds, simple functional grace-filled living, simple functional grace-filled news, katina horton, food photography, food, lifestyle blogger, simplicity, normal, abnormal, COVID-19, pandemic,
cookies, oatmeal almond raisin cookies, healthy eating, healthy living, almonds, simple functional grace-filled living, simple functional grace-filled news, katina horton, food photography, food, lifestyle blogger, simplicity, normal, abnormal, COVID-19, pandemic,
cookies, oatmeal almond raisin cookies, healthy eating, healthy living, almonds, simple functional grace-filled living, simple functional grace-filled news, katina horton, food photography, food, lifestyle blogger, simplicity, normal, abnormal, COVID-19, pandemic,

I pray blessings upon each and every one of you!

Until next time,


How to Get Back in Shape After the COVID-19 Lockdown

Happy Sunday all! Today, I am featuring a guest blog post from a fellow blogger. His name is Gabriel Patel. He enjoys writing about health and wellness, and co-founded Health Well Wise with a group of friends who share the desire to help people live happy, healthy lives. Have a blessed rest of your Sunday.

If you gained weight during the coronavirus quarantine, you’re not alone. It’s normal — and completely okay — to put on a few pounds when you’re experiencing periods of stress and a serious change to your regular routine. However, self-isolation may have left you feeling less than your best. Whether you’re looking to lose weight or simply regain the energy you had pre-lockdown, check out the following tips to reclaim your wellness and get back on track!

Clean Up Your Diet

For many of us, the lockdown meant living off of freezer meals, instant noodles, and other forms of quick, easy, and accessible processed foods. But it’s time to get some nutrients back in our diets! Fortunately, there are all kinds of healthy meals you can make with basic ingredients you already have in your pantry, such as spinach tortellini soup, legume quesadillas, skillet rice, and stew. The beauty of these recipes is that you can mix in whatever vegetables or proteins you have in your kitchen. Casseroles are also great for this! Get creative and have fun coming up with nutritious meals based on the ingredients you have on hand.

If you could use some help creating a clean diet plan, consider working with a professional dietician. You can use job boards to find qualified pros, such as freelance dieticians, who can answer all of your nutrition-related questions, help you build a healthy meal plan, and coach you through any barriers you may be facing. Some other freelancers who can support you on your wellness journey include online personal trainers, yoga instructors, and therapists.

Take Steps to Avoid Injury

When you get back into exercise, do it slowly; pushing yourself too hard after an extended period of inactivity could lead to injuries. This is especially true if you’re going back to the gym. Remember, you may not be able to work out at your previous level, so go easy on yourself by reducing your reps and weight. The most important thing to remember is to listen to your body.

If you’re hesitant about returning to the gym, try at-home workouts, running, or hiking — or just go for a walk! If you were unfortunate enough to contract the coronavirus, CNET recommends talking to your healthcare provider about when it would be safe to start exercising again. Try to stick to short bursts of gentle exercise in the days and weeks following your recovery.

Get More Sleep

When it comes to fitness and overall well being, sleep is underrated. Getting enough sleep plays an important role in muscle recovery, stress reduction, and weight management — all of which will help you meet your post-lockdown fitness goals. If you’re not getting at least seven hours of good-quality sleep every night, take some steps to improve your bedroom environment and help your body wind down in the evening. Make your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet; develop a relaxing bedtime routine; avoid caffeine in the afternoon; and limit alcohol late in the evening.

Conquer Stress

Stress is one of the largest barriers to a healthy lifestyle. Stress can disrupt your sleep patterns, affect your eating habits, and reduce your motivation to exercise. Of course, we’re all experiencing heightened stress with everything that’s going on in the world right now. Even if you can’t control what’s happening all around you, you can bring a greater sense of control to your own life by taking active steps to reduce stress. Make time for your hobbies, socialize with friends and family members who make you happy, get in the habit of positive self-talk, and try to exercise daily — even if you’d rather do anything else.

While it was easy to let healthy habits fall by the wayside during the corona virus lock-down, now is the time to regain control over your fitness. Exercising, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and combating stress will do a lot to improve how you feel — and you may even lose a few pounds! Start working towards your goals today!

Episode 61: Out of Control in a Crisis

the valley of grace podcast
Healing Our Brokenness Podcast Series
Episode 61: Out of Control in a Crisis

Have you ever been out of control? What does the words “out of control” mean to you? What about now? Do you feel out of control in this crisis? If so, what are you doing to combat it? Listen to the latest episode of Healing Our Brokenness podcast to see what it means to be out of control, and what you can do to alleviate some of it. God bless!

Out of Control in a Crisis Podcast Outline

  • The Importance of Routines
  • Denial
  • Overindulgence in Social Media
  • False Comfort/Constants During a Crisis
  • Hope for a Constant for Security
  • What we can and cannot control

Season of Uncertainty

We are definitely living in uncertain times. During these times, it is important to keep ourselves anchored in God and his promises. It is also crucial to establish a creative outlet for ourselves, and our kids if they are still at home. Practicing self-care will help our souls and our ability to be resilient when everything around us is on shaky ground. This poem “Season of Uncertainty”, deals with our life as it is right now worldwide. I am currently reminded of God’s goodness as I type this because there are several birds singing their tunes right outside my kitchen window. To God be the glory! Blessings my friends!

Season of Uncertainty

The sun and birds.

The walks and talks.

Slowdown and family time.

There’s a growing whine.

When at home we dine.

In the midst of uncertainty.

It’s the unexpected.

When you feel neglected.

And a need to be hugged and seen.

When our faith is tested,

and the fear has rested,

in our hearts and in our souls.

It’s a time to trust.

Trust that God is good.

When the picture’s not whole, looks bleak.

When we search for others,

There’s no need to look further,

When his kingdom we will seek.

Last poem: Triggered